Full Bloom by Nancy Shoop-Wu is an outstanding example of what an artist can achieve when their personal musical muse is full flow, and the result is a collection of compositions that are graceful, melodic and masterful in every way.
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‘Full Bloom’ is one of the most exquisitely beautiful albums of this year. Nancy Shoop-Wu is in full bloom, dripping and infused with genuinely great musical talent. Impressive on every level.
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With soaring, stellar chops powering her every move, Shoop-Wu enchants and delights anyone who has had it with the noise of every day life. Warm and captivating, this is real music for real listeners.
Conveying a warmly heart-centric vibe, Nancy gently serenades her listeners throughout with her soothing yet passionate violin melodies, as she plays with an ease of grace and authenticity of spirit.
Violinist Nancy Shoop-Wu has done a brilliant job of using the voice of her instrument to sing of the beauty that is found in Hawaii. Her compositions are strong, her instrumentation is solid and her emotion is genuine.
Even after 20 years of reviewing, I am unexpectedly blown away when confronted by someone of Shoop-Wu’s talent when she emerges, seemingly from out of nowhere… Nancy Shoop-Wu’s violin playing imbues her melodies with such a genuine gentility and warmth that it’s hard to believe Rainbow Road is only her second album. Such self-assuredness, allowing her compositions to unfurl so gracefully, and encouraging her guest stars to take equal stature with her, are the signs of a mature and accomplished artist.